
Urban Development Department

The Department Urban Development Office was established in the year 1969 located at DC’s Office complex. The district has two establishment namely Urban Development Office and District Urban Development Agency(DUDA) where ADC the Chairman of DUDA &UDO as member Secty. The primary objectives of the Urban Development Department are to provide the requisite urban infrastructure and ensure sustainable development in all the urban areas. The department is mainly involved in Preparation and Implementation of various urban Infrastructure Development & Poverty Alleviation Schemes in urban areas.

Main Activities:

State Plan Scheme

Town Protection Scheme (TPS)

This scheme are implemented in the District Hd. Qtr., ADC Hd. Qtr, and recognised Town Council Township, executed by way of contract work order. Works are selected on prioritized basis as per availability of fund.

Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme (UIDS)

This scheme generally covers EAC’s ,SDO’s(C) ADC.s & DC Administrative Township and other industrial areas.
The nature of works taken under TPS &UIDS scheme are mostly infrastructure works like construction of footstep, drainage. Retaining wall, waiting shed, public toilet, public well, circular road etc, any other works demanded by ULB’s concern for the welfare of the public. During the course of execution, verifications are being performed, supervised the works, for successful completion as per specification, necessary completion certificates issued to E.E. UDD Nagaland Kohima, supported with photographs of the work done. Under UIDS scheme cash book is maintained, cash memos for procurement of materials, master rolls for wages ,are properly maintain for audit purpose.

Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS)

National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM)/ District Urban Development Agency (DUDA),this centrally sponsored scheme started in Mokokchung Town in the year 2000-2001.The main aim of this scheme is to mobilised the urban poor households to from they & their own institution for an effective & sustainable poverty elevation. These institution of the poor would partner with local self government, public service providers, banks, private sector & other institution for facilitate delivery of social and economic service to the poor.
The Components Under this Programme are.

  • Self Employment Programme(SEP) for SHG’s
  • Self Employment Programme (SEP) for individual.
  • Step-up / Skill Training
  • Street Vendors.
  • Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH).

To successfully implement the scheme BPL survey was conducted as per the guide line.
Area Level Federations in all the wards were formed, City Level Federation Consisting of ALF members and engagement Resource Organization, assisting Community Organisers for formation of SHG’s in all the wards. RO & CO to assist SHG’s in management of their groups, bank account, capacity building, bookkeeping and bank linkage. RO help CO’s in the evaluation of the performance of SGH. Identify SEP individual beneficiary of urban poor, help both groups & individual for preparation of project reports link with banks for setting up gainful self- employment venture, micro-enterprises, suited to their skills, training aptitude and local conditions.
Step-Up /Skill training to urban poor as per the skill demand from the market to set up self- employment or secure salaried employment.
Street Vendors, conduct socio -economic survey of street vendors and to prepare pro-vending planning and provide space for street vending.
Preparation of monthly report for submission at Mission Director Office, Kohima